Saturday, December 12, 2009

Digital Painting Digest


As a student in 3D Animation. I am really heading full force into the digital realm. Over the past 3 months, I have been studying the hell out of photoshop for my own personal development. Being able to paint in photoshop is going to be a huge advantage to me as a 3D artist. I find having the ability to lay down the concepts and art in 2D first, will make the creation in 3D much more effective. This is my own personal opinion. It also may be that I am a bit of a concept art junkie.

I decided to make a post about all the awesome stuff I have come across in my research for you to use in your own artist growth.

****I AM STILL STUPIDLY NEW TO DIGITAL PAINTING!!! ***** What I say could possibly be a whole big pile of crap information.. just my opinion!!!! My opinions can be wrong. Take what you like, leave what you don't I guess. Just want to offer up some tips to you awesome deviantart watchers who ask me about digital painting <3 <3 <3

First things first.... the set up!

To be a digital artist, you need to have a sound computer. Something that is going to be able to handle renders and insane amounts of photoshop layers. Personally I am a mac user.. so I recommend anything mac. HOWEVER... PC's have come a long way, and work just as good.. it really all comes down to specs, how much ram you have, and processor types. Anything above that is personal preference.

I also would like to point out that using a secondary monitor is a huge advantage. Being able to set one side as the canvass, and the other side tools and reference photos really helps with the workstation setup. It is much easier to be organized, and its also an advantage to see much more clearly your image and the references. Again, this can also be personal preference.

Using a widescreen monitor is the way to go. Most tablets are shaped widescreen, so it makes the orientation of your pen to monitor more precise.


In photoshop, brushes vary with effects. Dynamic brushes are set up to pen sensitivity. Using a mouse is going to make it harder to get that certain effect that you are looking for. If you only use a mouse to paint, you really are capping you're growth as a digital artist. Not that I am saying you wont get better.. it's just you may never get that exact look if you limit your tools.

Wacom is the way to go.... and this is more along the lines of industry standards. They own the market. Wacoms are built to run flawlessly with photoshop. The presets on the tablets are usually photoshop shortcuts. As far as the actual tablet is concerned. Get something bigger than the first size. a small tablet is good to learn on, but just skip that step. A bigger tablet allows for more detail, better strokes and smoother lines. Atleast start with a medium tablet. Also, purchase something that is Intous3 or higher. you want to keep your hardware as similar to the software age as possible, and vice versa.

To be honest.. You can't get any better than a wacom cintiq. Either size is fine. A wacom 12 inch is portable, and a 21inch is just massive... both are awesome.. it's just based on what your budget is. Another good idea is to purchase a smudgeglove. it allows for smother gliding across the tablet surface itself.

Stock up on nibs!!!!! a dull nib is just as useless as a dull pencil...

Software ... well... when I think of digital painting... I think of photoshop.. Photoshop sets the standards! Photoshop is endless.. everything is customizeable, layers, dynamic brushes, textures, layer modes, it just goes on and on. Photoshop can be a beast the more advanced you get. But photoshop is also new user friendly... and the amount of books and tutorials out there is endless.
On a side note, photoshop is also getting more 3D engines.. it's now possible to import a 3d model into photoshop, paint it, and then export it back into the 3d program with the paint laid perfectly on it.. Watch this video to learn more

I haven't had the opportunity to try corel painter, but I am sure it's an awesome program too! Again, some people prefer it.


Study other artists, read articles, visit CG sites, read tutorials, watch videos, buy books!! keep expanding your knowledge. This is a medium that is progressing at a very fast rate. You have to keep on top of the information out there in order to find new techniques and features.

Here is a link to some tutorials that I have faved on deviant art.. please have a browse through them. Tutorials

***ANOTHER IMPORTANT TIP*** Learn keyboard shortcuts for photoshop... it will increase your speed insanly so you have more time to focus on the piece.. here's a link to the shortcuts PDF

So I will add more to this, because I have ran out of time today :U .. please check back, I will be featuring artits and links to speed paint videos.

Hope this was helpful!!

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