Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blue prints anyone?

SO.. I been taking this design class, and I am really enjoying it! It's inspiring me so much. I was always nervous drawing orthographic drawings, or making 3D drawings. Well, I started doing this in design class, and it really came naturally, and I really enjoyed it! WELL!! I am all excited to dive back into 3D again.. took a 2 year hiatus from it when school didn't work out. I'm back into Maya, but this time with lots of books and tutorials, hoping I can get better at it.

The last thing I ever did in Maya was model a ship. I never finished it, and kind of forgot about it. Since I am back in Maya, I am now going to model another ship. I chose to do the MV Leif Ericson. There isn't really much deck plans or orthographics on the interwebs that I can find. So, now with my new skills from design class, I am going to make my own.


here's a preview of the orthographs so far.. If I doesnt work out, atleast I'm trying something new :D

I have the images loaded into maya now. Not sure if it's been done right, but it's all trial and error. Ready to start the modeling.... this should be interesting. Totally wish I had a top view right about now!

Been cracking away at this for several hours now. I stopped working on a bit earlier last night so my boyfriend and I could attempt one of those 1000 pieces puzzle. UHG.. too many pieces! Good thing, is that it kinda fueled my patience... building this ship is like a big puzzle to me hahaa. I must say, I did learn a few more useful things yesterday as I kept working on it. That's the whole plan, to get more comfortable with the program :)

The hull is done as you can see , the worst part was the freaking hull, and that ballast. I was never comfortable with slicing up two pieces of geometry and connecting them.. I guess it wasn't as bad as I imagined. I am hardening lines here and there to help maintain ship shape (lol) Also, I am toggling between smooth preview to catch anything wonky. This whole combine merge and making sure the vertices are merged properly is becoming ocd with me... but again, I want to make sure everything is sound in the overall shape building stage. OH BOY. Thank the interwebs for tutorials.. I'm down to flat out typing a question about maya into google now lol.

Allright, she's starting to take shape now. I think at this point, I am really getting excited that it's getting more into the shape of the ferry without any long meditative moments of "how am I gonna shape that?"
Since it seems more realistic that I may actually finish this (after such a long, long time away from Maya) that I am daydreaming of how to render it. I'm thinking of sitting her in ocean, or make an ocean like pedestal or something. I may be aiming well above my ability, but you know, that's what's fueling me wanting to actually get better at modeling. Happy days. 


Sarah O. said...

Hi Karly,
Thanks for your comment on my blog! I had been admiring your drawings on Facebook so I followed the links here to your blog. If you weren't moving away from NS I would be inviting myself over to your place and making you teach me everything! We didn't get much/almost any direct instruction in drawing/rendering programs in my degree so my skills are sadly deficient.

I love your stuff though, your landscapes are bee-yoo-tiful.

Unknown said...


Thats not good you didn't get much intruction on the programs. I don't move until July, so you're welcome to pop over and I can get you started, and give you some resources :)